Students walking across campus in front of the Library

Student Support

Structured to Empower Success

bwin体育学院提供各种资源,让学生有最大的机会在学业上取得成功, socially, 和 professionally. 无论是宏观的学术建议还是详细的写作咨询,我们都在这里倾听, sharing information, 和 taking action to reduce the roadblocks in the path of achievement.  

Academic Advising 

每个bwin体育的学生都与指导老师密切合作,探索学术和职业兴趣. 我们将学生与他们感兴趣的领域的教师配对,为学生提供最好的建议.  

所有教职员工,以及选定的管理人员担任学生的学术顾问. 学生在第一和第二学年有总顾问,通常根据兴趣进行匹配. 在大二结束时选择一个或多个专业之后, students then choose an advisor in a specific academic discipline. 

学术顾问作为“教师导师”,通过帮助学生收集所需的信息,指导学生了解校园资源和更广泛的机会,帮助学生适应大学生活.  导师和学生被鼓励去了解对方,而不仅仅是谈论学术课堂作业. Advisors should be available to support the student in various ways, 正如学生同样被鼓励寻求顾问的帮助,并在咨询关系中发挥积极的作用. 

Ultimately, bwin体育的学术咨询关系不仅仅是简单地遵循清单, requirements, 和 completing forms; it is a mentoring relationship that advances individual development, supports the curricular 和 co-curricular program at Centre, 对bwin体育学生现在和未来的成功起着至关重要的作用.

Pre-Professional Advising 

我们的专业前顾问团队对如何实现您的职业目标具有专业知识. They help you explore your professional track, 与你的学术顾问密切合作,帮助你选择合适的课程, 并帮助你与相关的实习和研究机会联系起来,以确保你在开始职业生涯时处于有利地位.

Pre-Professional Advisory Categories
Pre-Physical Therapy 
Pre-Physician Assistant 
Pre-Social Work 
Pre-Teaching Certification 
ROTC (Air Force & 军队) 

Learn More 关于 Our Pre-Professional Programs

Academic Affairs 

教务处也有针对性地帮助有学习困难的学生, particularly in the first two years at Centre, 和 with students with disabilities. 提供特殊的小组和个人咨询会议,学生被引导到特定科目的有针对性的帮助会议, to the Writing Center, 和 to the Center for Career & Professional Development. 该办公室还与希望设计自己专业的学生合作.


Academic Services Information

Centre Learning Commons

The Centre Learning Commons, 位于克伦斯大厅格蕾丝·多尔蒂图书馆的主楼, is open during the library’s hours of operation. The space includes office suites, innovative 和 tech-savvy spaces for individual 和 group study, seminar rooms, 和 an information kiosk. CLC programming 和 resources include, but are not limited to, comprehensive 和 inclusive academic peer tutoring 和 mentoring, assistance with time management 和 organization strategies, academic support services (e.g. 写作bwin体育,监考bwin体育,ESL服务,学术住宿等.), study skills 和 college preparedness workshops, 暑期课程的重点是高中到大学的过渡和技能培养.g. math, writing skills, etc.), 和 extensive web-based 和 other digital resources.

The Writing Center

训练有素的同行顾问与学生单独会面,讨论任何写作项目. 他们在写作过程的每个阶段提供咨询——从寻找主题到修改草稿. 每次咨询的目标是培养学生对自己的思考和写作有更强的意识, not to produce a flawless text. 

writing center student studying

Students benefit most from sessions that occur at the planning, drafting, 和 revising stages, when there is still enough time for the writer to rethink ideas, arguments, 和 evidence in creative 和 constructive ways. 顾问会问作者很多问题,并鼓励学生认识到自己的弱点,并确定做出改变和增强优势的策略. Ideally, 这种对话性的探索将促使作者提炼论点和散文,使之清晰有力. 

Located on the lower level of  Crounse Hall below the library, 写作bwin体育帮助学生完成几乎所有的书面作业. No appointment necessary! 大多数咨询持续20-40分钟,最后一次咨询通常在结束前20或30分钟进行.

Writing CenterOffice Hours
Monday - Thursday2:00 - 4:00pm; 7:00 - 11:00pm
周日7:00pm - 11:00pm


Assistive Technologies


Student in a wheelchair reading a book

Accessibility Services

bwin体育学院无障碍服务团队的使命是消除学习障碍, facilitate the creation of accessible learning environments, 和 champion equal access for the entire campus community.


监考bwin体育的服务是为需要参加补考的学生提供特殊考试服务. 监考bwin体育位于克伦斯大厅一楼(下层). 监考服务提供给所有bwin体育学生,并通过bwin体育学习共享bwin体育进行协调, but use of the Proctoring Center is available by reservation only, as requested by an instructor. 

Proctoring CenterOffice Hours
Monday - Friday8:00am - 4:00pm

Reserve Proctoring Services

Contact test proctors: Bonnie Trachsel Am和a Wood at 859-238-6541.

Peer Tutoring

辅导服务可在各种科目,以帮助学生与特定的学术挑战. Contact the CLC for more information.

Academic Support Information


Student Well-Being

bwin体育致力于为学生提供必要的资源和支持,通过专注于他们的身体服务来茁壮成长, 精神, social 和 spiritual wellbeing.

Learn More 关于 Well-Being at Centre


Finding Your Centre

所有一年级学生都参加一门名为“寻找你的bwin体育”(FYC)的一学分课程。. 本课程为学生提供有关如何在bwin体育取得学业成功的信息. FYC包括由归国学生组成的同伴导师,他们帮助即将入学的一年级学生适应大学第一年可能带来的挑战.

Learn More 关于 the Course